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Bridging the Gap: AI Meets Te Ao Māori

In a rapidly evolving digital world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data-driven technologies are reshaping industries.But how do these innovations intersect with Te Ao Māori?Can AI, often seen as a tool of the future, align with the deeply relational and value-based principles of Te Ao Māori?Maybe the answer lies in how we choose to use it—and how we make it work for us.The Potential of AI in Māori ProcurementAt Puna Awarau, we’ve been reflecting on how AI could complement the work we d...

February 5, 2025

Business as a vehicle for things that matter

For many of our friends and whānau, running a business isn’t about chasing world domination or maximising profit at all costs. Instead, it’s about creating a life that feels balanced and intentional—a life that allows for flexibility, connection, and alignment with values.A business can be a vehicle for the things that matter most. It offers the freedom to pick and choose your hours, to drop off and pick up your kids from school, to go on class trips, or attend wānanga and reconnect with...

December 4, 2024

Undermining Progress: The Government's Retreat on Māori Procurement

Change in PrioritiesThe government’s recent announcement to remove the progressive procurement targets signals a clear retreat from the focus on Māori business. It’s more than just a policy change - it’s a step backward. It signals a lack of commitment to Māori business growth and undermines the momentum that has been building since the introduction of the progressive procurement policy. It’s a colossal, missed opportunity.The Māori economy, valued at nearly $70 billion, plays a vital...

September 23, 2024

Learnings and insights as practitioners 2024

As Māori supplier diversity practitioners and specialists, we have unique observations and insights of the impacts of the practice as well as the nuances of Māori businesses. These insights have been formed through the practical implementation of supplier diversity, working with both buying organisations that want to embed supplier diversity, as well as with Māori businesses that we have connected to buyers. In this article we share 5 insights from working in the field over the past 8 years.&...

July 26, 2024

5 small ways to support supplier diversity

The goal of supplier diversity is to have more money being spent with Māori and Pasifika businesses. Naturally, the biggest thing organisations can do for supplier diversity is to increase their spend with Māori and Pasifika businesses. That's pretty obvious.Ultimately you want to be working towards increasing and measuring your total spend with diverse suppliers, building your internal teams supplier diversity capability and embedding your commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.But there are lots...

July 9, 2024

'Evolution', termed to serve some, not all.

Written by Mauriora Kaihau...

April 24, 2024

Going beyond "buying local"

In today's globalised world, the idea of buying local holds significant value, both economically and ethically. When we opt to support local businesses, we not only contribute to the growth of our communities but also foster a sense of connection and responsibility towards the land and its people. In this article, we delve into the essence of buying local, with a particular focus on supporting Manawhenua businesses in Aotearoa.Defining "local"The definition of "local" often stirs up debate due t...

April 3, 2024

Iwi driving Supplier Diversity in Aotearoa

The concept of supplier diversity has seen an increase in awareness across Aotearoa, recently bringing a significant shift towards equitable procurement practices within the commercial landscape. Organisations like Amotai have been at the helm of raising the profile of supplier diversity. Through their engagement with local governments, the private sector, and Māori and Pasifika businesses, they've championed the need for diversification in supply chains, encouraging a ...

January 24, 2024

‘Race based’ procurement – enough is enough!

‘Race based’ procurement – enough is enough!The notion that striving for diversity in supply chains is ‘race-based’ purchasing or creates an uneven playing field is not just misleading; it obscures the stark reality of the current system - a system that inherently favours certain groups while marginalising Māori and Pasifika businesses.We're here to set the record straight: True supplier diversity isn't about preferential treatment; it's about correcting a deeply ingrained imbalance a...

November 27, 2023

Attracting the ‘woke’ workforce, Generation Z

A ‘woke’ business attracts a ‘woke workforce’-So how ‘woke’ are you?In contemporary pop culture, being ‘woke’ is defined as “having an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices”, particularly in relation to the treatment of minorities. Today Gen Z are thought to be the ‘woke’ generation, they go against the grain, defy conventional norms, voice their opinions, and demand systemic change.Gen Z is on way to being the largest growing demographic, and their role ...

November 24, 2023

Time for the private sector to take the lead in Supplier Diversity

With government changes and economic turbulence, Māori and Pasifika businesses face the challenge of navigating these waters to secure their share of contracts....

November 10, 2023

Buying from verified Māori businesses

Buying from verified Māori businessesBuying organisations need to know that they are genuinely spending money with an Indigenous business. Not having this certainty defeats the purpose of targeted spending for this group and does not ensure that the benefits of supplier diversity flow back to the intended beneficiaries. In Aotearoa, that’s Māori businesses and their whānau.Indigenous procurement and supplier diversity is creating tangible contract opportunities for Indigenous, and minority-...

October 24, 2023

Reframing Value

We once heard a contractor ask a client whether they should build to a higher environmental standard. The response from the client:...

June 23, 2023


Auckland Council Group share their learnings from their Supplier Diversity journey...

May 29, 2023

CASE STUDY - Kanohi ki te kanohi Verbal Tendering

Lessons learnt from kanohi ki te kanohi tendering at Auckland Council....

May 8, 2023

CASE STUDY - Marae upgrades by Māori businesses

Marae Infrastructure Programme intentionally engages Māori businesses...

May 8, 2023

CASE STUDY - Supplier Development on Aotea

Growing Māori business capability to work on their whenua (land)...

April 20, 2023

Finding opportunities for Māori businesses

Finding opportunities to contract Māori businesses can be challenging. It requires an understanding of where to find Māori businesses, who they are and what services they provide. It also requires a good understanding of what your organisation buys and your procurement pipeline.Often when organisations think about procuring from Māori businesses, we hear about services like cultural design and tree planting. Whilst there are some incredible Māori businesses who have these services, we encour...

April 18, 2023

How targets make a difference

Aotearoa has just increased its progressive procurement target from 5% to 8% which continues to send a strong message that supplier diversity is important.Minister for Māori Affairs Hon Willie Jackson reported that “Māori businesses made up 6% of the total of government procurement contracts for the 2021/22 financial year. This meant more than 3,200 contracts were awarded to Māori businesses across the public sector, worth a total value of about $930 million.”We know that targets for Indi...

March 24, 2023

Open the door from the inside

If we had a dollar for every time a business told us they’ve tried knocking on a ‘Buyers’ door and can’t get their foot in it, we’d be rolling in it.Trying to get a foot in the door with Buyers can be hard work and the doors often seem like they are absolutely bolted shut. There are plenty of capable Māori and Pasifika businesses that cannot seem to catch a break.The thing is, Buyer doors can only be opened from the inside so as procurers, we need to intentionally open the door.‘Ope...

March 21, 2023

Puna Awarau: What does it mean?

Puna Awarau is the Māori word used in Aotearoa to describe Supplier Diversity.Gifted by Te Mete Lowman, it is not a transliteration but a translation of the intent of supplier diversity.Ko te wai te oranga o nga mea katoa, water is the life-giver of all things. It has mauri, a vitality, an energy that has the power to give life. Water is also about connection, flowing between people and place. This is the inspiration behind the name Puna Awarau.Puna, a spring of waterAwa, a river or streamRau, ...

March 21, 2023

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result

Many organisations look at their spend with Māori and Pasifika businesses and think ‘oh crap, we really don’t spend a lot of money with these businesses’. We must do something to change this.But, often ‘doing something’ usually turns into doing the same thing as usual and somehow expecting things will change. That's generally not how this works.If a government agency has always put opportunities up on GETS and has experienced very low uptake (if any) from Māori and Pasifika businesse...

March 21, 2023

Smart Contractor VS Dumb Contractor

We can't take credit for the great title and theme of this korero, for that we need to acknowledge Heath Nelson, from Fortescue Metals Group Australia.Smart contractors win work, dumb contractors don’t. In 2019, we had a contingent of Australians come over to NZ to share some of their learnings around supplier diversity. This was because Australia is way ahead of Aotearoa when it comes to supplier diversity and indigenous procurement.They’ve had an indigenous procurement target for 6 years, ...

March 21, 2023

The Excuses

Having worked with a LOT of ‘Buyers’ (organisations that procure services like government agencies, councils, and corporate organisations) we hear and see the good, bad and the ugly.Don’t get us wrong, most of the organisations we work with are amazing and there are some fantastic initiatives going on to embed supplier diversity. Most understand “what supplier diversity is and why it matters in Aotearoa”.But, on the odd occasion we do come across those that don't share our enthusiasm a...

March 21, 2023

The happy by-products of supplier diversity

Supplier Diversity is a global practice that is slowly growing in Aotearoa. Internationally it is buying from minority owned suppliers, but in a local context it’s specifically buying from Māori and Pasifika businesses.Some people read this and scratch their heads asking “but why?”. A supplier is a supplier right? Does it matter that the owners are Māori and/or Pasifika? Well, it turns out some suppliers aren’t getting a fair slice of the pie and those suppliers are Māori and Pasifika...

March 21, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 32 | Page next